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커피인쇄소 (coffee_print_shop)

About coffee print shop


coffee print shop is one of the best specialty coffee shop in the world.

Barista Jeff Kim who is SCA trainer, COE judge and SCA competition judge brew the coffee in there.

The place was real print shop and he rent the place for specialty coffee in Seoul, Korea.

But the cafe has password for entering the shop. Only can see the password in the instagram feed.



Opening hour is quite limited so check it out before visiting.

However if you visit the shop, You can drink most popular and exotic coffee in the world that is impoted

by Jeff by himself every year around the world.

Price is quite cheaper than the bean price like very expensive geisha.

It is his kind of spirit about the coffee.


커피인쇄소는 전 세계 가장 스페셜한 커피를 저렴하게 제공하는 공간입니다.

김동완 바리스타의 아이디어로 시작된 이곳은 비밀번호를 누르고 들어와야하며 영업시간이 짧지만

그 어떤 곳보다 방문할 가치가 있는 곳으로 만들어가고 있습니다.


비밀번호 등 자세한 내용은 인스타그램을 참조하세요.

커피인쇄소 인스타그램