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Want to be DUOMO distributor? You wanna sell DUOMO in your country? Yes, You can!Just purchase DUOMO from us and sell it as you can.The price is open. So you can choose the price and it depends on you. So email us and check it out ( email : jeff@coffeez.kr ) For Whole sale Discount Order more than 24 pieces, You can get some discount.Email us and talk about it. (Let us know your quantity, country and so on)Email : jeff@coffe..
What is DUOMO? What is WDT DUOMO? We know your coffee NEVER distributes well whenever you dose on the portafilter.Because of static electricity though you use luxurious grinder. We know It is not grinder’s fault.But a lot of channeling happens and your coffee can not be extracted well. We know someone use some distribution tool.But it can distribute ONLY upper part. It is not going bottom. So We made it with 7..
How to buy DUOMO? How to Buy DUOMO. There are Three way to buy it. 1) Order in our wehshop. Pay with PayPal. Go and shop to https://coffeeduomo.store/ 2) From the distributor in your country directly. Also How to be distributor? (Click!) 3) You can get it Coffee Me Up store in Seoul (HQ) directly.
Coming soon DUOMO. Hello. coffee people all around the world.⠀⠀We are launching New and Best coffee distrivution tool soon.⠀⠀It is totally new concept for distribution of your espresso coffee. ⠀⠀We are going to show you how it's different soon. It will be launched on WOC (World of Coffee) in Amsterdam with World Barista Championship 2018.Visit "The Village" No.7 Booth in RAI, Amsterdam, 21th~23th, June, 2018.The b..
About CoffeeZ About CoffeeZ. We do all of specialty coffee A to Z We are professional coffee company in Korea. Start up but exceptional and great job that we are doing so far! 1) Every year, We visit coffee farm to import green bean from all around the coffee growing countries. 2) We run coffee shops in Seoul. the brand are Coffee Me Up and coffee print shop. 3) We operate Coffee Me Up Sensory Lab in Seoul wh..